High Commis’sioner
3(8. Robison):




The diet restriction is that a portion of the food people would eat

would have to be imported, and that people can live at Eneu continuously
but could not go to Bikini tstand.

The restrictions imposed are very tough.
It would be better to either
(Bikinian) say "You can go and there are no restrictions" or to say "Don't go, because
it's contaminated",

The first day's presentation ended at about 5:00 PM October 7, before
the entire booklet could be translated. The next day the conference resumed.

Statement(Hal :


We are here at your request for information.

We were requested at the

Ujelang meeting to present to the Bikinians a book which gives facts about
radiation doses. We feel it's important to stress a few things in order
‘to help you better understand the facts being presented. The Department of
Energy is not hereto either make decisions or to recommend a decision about
whether you should return to Bikini.
Rather we are here to present facts

about radiation tevels and standards; facts with which you can decide for
yourselves. The Department of Energy is acting as an information resource
just as they do for

the Department of Interior.

We sympathize with the

expressed desire of the Bikini people for us to say more than the facts and
standards of comparison, but we can't stand in your shoes. You must make the

However, we can't assure absolute safety in deciding.


we speak only of radiation dangers, and there are other factors that only
you are in a position to consider. As the book explains, we have used
radiation standards, as

in the United States and around the: world.

used them so you would have some way of examining radiation levels.

We have

Statement(G. :
What Department of Energy has explained is factual. 8ased on whatever
decision you make, it will not detract from what Department of Interior is
committed to do for all of the people of Bikini. The same facilities will
be built here (Kili) as on Eneu and Ejit; however, participation by the
Bikinians Is necessary to ensure their promise for the future.
Kennedy quote: "The future is not a gift; it is an achievement.”

Explain why the Bikinians were allowed to return earlier; compare
Bikini and Enewetak and tell us why Enewetak was cleaned up.
The answer is provided in the booklet; it was explained, and Alice Buck
went through those answers on pages 30 and 31, pages which had not been cover
the previous day, when time ran short.

Q(Johnny :


Since three islands were destroyed (see map on page 9) does the

United States intend to pay for them?

A(Gordon Law):

That answer is not for the Department of Interior, but { am certain

your tegal counsel will ensure your interests

and advanced.

itn this regard are protected

This is what we call in the States "passing the buck'‘.

Comment(J. :
1 believe the people are entitled to compensation for the islands
which were vaporized, for damage to other islands, for loss of crops, damage
to people, and other damages.

There are two approaches, one through the

Select target paragraph3