


"High Co;nmissioner

Why would they monitor people on Eneu if Eneu is safe?
Predictions are estimates which may vary from person to person. To
ensure that people are not getting too much, we will monitor and see if
estimates are accurate.



Suppose | lived at Eneu and abided by all the regulations, will there

be a reason to come and monitor: and study me?

Hal Hollister):1It's always good to have checkups to know whether youare healthy.
would not force monitoring, but it will be available.
atement(Jibas): If it's fine at Eneu,


I'd like to go.

tf Interior says it's safe, it seems that DOE doesn't need to bother
me to check on anyone.


There is a risk, a small

below the Federal guidetines.

‘Tomaki Juda):


In returning to Eneu even though it's

Since we just received the book, can we meet with our advisors and

then ask questions again?

(Andrew Jakeo): | lived on Bikini for 7 years.


Can you tell me how much radiation |

(Bruce Wachholz):Yes, we know and can tell you if you have been whole body~counted.
don't have that answer with us, but can get it and pass it to you through

your legal counsel.


(Tomaki Juda):
If people could go to Eneu, some of the people would request the
Department of Energy to clean up Eneu so that the level of radiation would
be even lower.
(J. Weisgal?):

Would a cleanup effectively reduce the exposure level?

(B. Robison):

To reduce the dose, we would have to remove soi) and-particles all th

(Tomaki Juda):


{B. Robison):

I don't know what the effect would be.


ts it 100 percent safe to live on Eneu?

way down so we would have to take a lot of soil.
effects on agriculture.

This might have serious

is lots of sofl there and if you took some, tree and plant roo

would be closer to water.

(Dr. Bair):

it's never 100 percent safe to live anywhere. On Eneu, even if you
don't eat any food, you will inhale radioactive particles from the air and
dust in very smal! amounts.
[t is an additional small risk.

i(To B. Robison):You feel it would be safe for your family, but the book says there ar
diet restrictions and other restrictions.
being there?

Do you still fee? good about

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