
is in place, doses to the highest individuals can be compared with

the standard for individuals which is 500 mrem/yr (see Attactments 7
and 8).

Doses for the highest individuals can also be compared with

the Enewetak criterion which is 250 mrem/yr.
Whether annual doses (for the population or for individuals) and
30-year doses for people living on Eneu or Bikini Islands meet or exceed
federal guidance and/or the recently developed Enewetak criteria depends
upon the amount, kind, and source of local foods that are eaten, the

availability of imported foods, the proportion of residence time on
Eneu Island and on Bikini Island, and the time interval between now

and the date of rehabitation.
Attachments 5 through 9 illustrate the estimated dose (vertical
axis) to the population or to an individual in the population if the
people are returned to Eneu or to Bikini in any particular year
(horizontal axis, beginning in 1979).


the attachments

illustrate estimated doses for eight separate living patterns as
identified on Attachment 5.
levels also are indicated.

Federal guidance and Enewetak criteria
If any narticular curve does not go

above the guidance or criteria level, a return of the people could
be accomplished that year without expecting to exceed the guidance
or crireria, providing residence conforms to the conditions upon which
the doses are estimated.

If a curve goes above the guidance or criteria,

the point at which it crosses the guidance or criteria, as read from

the horizontal axis, is the approximate number of years that return
should be delayed so that the radiation dose would not be expected
to exceed the guidance or criteria.

Select target paragraph3