~g8and observations of the scientific teams who have been working on

Bikini Atol1.2°
Calculated Maximum Annual Dose (Average for Population)

(Federal guidance is 170 mrem/yr)


People live 100% of the time on Eneu Island.
With Food Imports

Without Food Imports

Whole Body

120 mrem/yr

210 mren/yr

Bone Marrow

140 mrem/yr

260 mrem/yr

People live 90% of the time on Eneu Island and visit Bikini Island
10% of the time, or 80% of the time is spent on Eneu Island and 20%
of the time is spent on Bikini Island, and assuming that no food from

Bikini Island is eaten.

With Food Imports

Without Food Imports





Whole Body

150 mrem/yr

170 mrem/yr

240 mrem/yr

260 mrem/yr

Bone Marrow

170 mrem/yr

190 mrem/yr

280 mrem/yr

300 mrem/yr


On attachments 7-8 it is assumed that the maximum exposed

individuals‘ would be three times these values as per the FRC guidance.
Calculated 30-Year Dose (Average Whole Bodv)

(Federal guidance is 5000 mrem/30 yrs)

People live 100% of the time on Eneu Island.
With Food Imports

Without Food Imports

2700 mrem

4700 mrem

People live 90% of the time on Eneu Island and visit Bikini Island
10% of the time, or 80% of the time is spent on Eneu Island and 20%
of the time is spent on Bikini Island, and assuming that no food from

Bikini Island is eaten.
With Food Imports


Without Food Imports





3200 mrem

3700 mrem

5200 mrem

5700 mrem

NOTE: People who recently lived on Bikini Island already have received
a dose of about 1000 mrem. This has not been included in the above estimate
+The dietary parameters are important factors in the calculation of dose
estimates, and the diet is continually being refined as additional informatio
becomes available. To the extent that the diet used in this document (Attachment 1) may be refined, or that dietary practices may change, the dose estima
may also change accordingly.

Select target paragraph3