

recognized that decisions on land use involve consideration of
predicted radiation doses which have inherent uncertainties.


make allowance for this, radiation criteria were chosen that-are 50%
of the annual Federal guidance for individual whole body and bone
marrow doses and 80% of the 30-year whole body dose for population


the Enewetak criteria limits the dose to the

whole body or the bone marrow of individuals to 250 mrem/yr and the
dose to the average individual within the population to 4000 mrem/30 yr.
{It should be noted that use of a percentage of the FRC values
was not an attempt to establish new guidance, but was considered
to be a necessary precaution in the application of the FRC values. tt
The adoption of limits for Enewetak equal to one-half the FRC guide

for individuals and 80 percent of the FRC guide for 30-year limits is
a result

. of the uncertainty concerning dose estimates which depend

greatly 'on the foods people will choose to eat and the way they will
choose to live.


While dose estimates are to be compared to these

percentages of the FRC guides, actual exposure levels monitored after
the people return should be compared to the 100 percent values of the
FRC guides. +>)
The calculated doses””


shown below are for three living patterns and

for two assumed diets.

The dietS are based on the recent experience

Usee footnote 10, Vol.

II., Sec. B, p.


l2see footnote 10, Vol. I., Sec. 5, p. 5-7.

13see footnote 10, Vol. I., Sec. 5, p. 5-7 and Vol. II., Sec. B, p. ITI-1l.
1411 dose estimates are rounded off and are based upon information contained

in "An Updated Radiological Dose Assessment of Eneu Island at Bikini Atoll,"

Robison, W. L. and Phillips, W. A., UCRL-52775, 1979, in draft.

Select target paragraph3