there is an immedinte danger, then we ecu gece.

reveal whether the move to lineu enh be nad
less attractive site.

infil the radiological surveys

shether we bays to amove toa

Asweinformally advised the comnuttee taff last week. the results of
the very recent tests of the body turdens of the people living on
Bikini [stand show a stenifieant aerea
in such burdens. While it
mity be arguable whether the test results show “San dmueediite danger,”
wean the Departivent of the Interior are satisfied that the people

should be moved from Bikini Estand as soon as it is possible to do so.

We have asked the representatives of the Department of Energy to

Miscuss with you the radiological situation on Bikini and its mpliea-

tons for the people on Bikini Esland, and they will do soi a moment,
Then the Tigh Conmmissioner and } want to discuss with you eur plans
for the move of the people from Bikini Esland,

Tanust tell vou now, however, that we have suddenly been required
fo reeust one preliminary plans ina very major way. The committee
Will reeall that when we testified before you a month ago. we anticlpated, on the basis of the best information then available to us from

the Departinent of Energy, that if it were necessary to move the
people of Hokini Jshind to an alternative, safe site, we conld expect
that the nearby isha of Ene would be available for that purpose,

Last Tharsday we Jearned shat tests of a lunited sample of foodstuffs growing on Enew showed an uptake of radionuclides much in
excess of thove predicted on the basis of the known cesinm and stronfinme content of the soil, Aecordingly, we hinve conchided that we must

clindmnate Bnew as an alternative site, and we have thus revised: sab-

stantially the plans for temporary settlement. We will outline those

plans to vor after the Energy Department dismassion of the radioactivity siuation on Dikint ad neu.

‘To assist us im our discusion of onr relocation plans, there are present
with me this morning, in addition to High Commissioner Winkel,
his District Adnanistrator for the Marshall Islands District. Oscar

Select target paragraph3