
Should Epidemiology Resources, Inc. base its dose calculation
upon any dietary assumptions other than those used by the
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, paralle] calculations
using the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory dietary
assumptions also should be included so that the source of any
differences due to the assumed diet is clear.

We must observe that it is our belief that obtaining 40 environmental samples

from Bikini Atoll is not required by the court agreement and, further, is of

dubious scientific or technical merit. Nevertheless, we are sensitive to the
desire of the Bikini people for site confirmation and we therefore agree to
accommodate their perceived needs.
We must observe also that the court agreement requires review by a single
scientist. Because you believe that a small team is required to comprehensively review the data, and perform related tasks, we have agreed to your
request so that there will be absolutely no question of our having provided
every resource needed to perform this task. Please understand that if you
wish to alter the distribution of time among the three principal investigators (without exceeding the total amount allotted to them by contract)
this would be acceptable to us.
As stated in previous letters dated January 22, 1981 and March 31, 1981, the
Bikini people must formally acknowledge that execution of this contract with

Epidemiology Resources, Inc. constitutes full and complete compliance by the

Department of Energy in fulfilling the Department's sole outstanding
obligation under the terms of the Memorandum Agreement settling the


Inasmuch as this contract will be between the Department of Energy and
Epidemiology Resources, Inc., and since your Jetter-proposal of May 26,
1981, is neither on Epidemiology Resources, Inc. letterhead nor signed by an
authorized Epidemiology Resources, Inc. officer, a proposal from Epidemiology Resources, Inc. addressed to the Department of Energy and signed by an
Epidemiology Resources, Inc. official will be needed in order to comply with
Departiental procurement requirements. We Jook forward to receiving a

proposal from Epidemiology Resources, Inc.

Written agreement on the condi-

tions and procedures set forth above can be either incorporated directly into
the proposal or set forth in a letter which will become part of any signed


Please call us if you have any questions.

Stephen H. Greenleigh
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary
for Environment, Safety and Health
Environmental Protection, Safety and
Emergency Preparedness

Select target paragraph3