
2. In response to a request from Mr. Mitchell that DOE present
dose assessments and risk assessments to the people of Enewetak,

and in fulfillment of a commitment made by Joe Deal in December,
1978, to do so, a number of people traveled to Ujelang on

September 18-20 to do so.

DOE was represented by Hal Hollister,

Tommy McCraw, Bill Brown, Roger Ray, Harry Brown and me;
Leo Krulitz (Soliciter General) represented DOI; Allen Richardson
represented EPA; Alice Buck, John Laman, John Healy and Bill Bair
also attended at our request. Mr. Mitchell was accompanied by

Randy Brill, Mike Bender and Bill Ogle. The Deputy High Commissioner
also attended, as did the Chief Secretary of the Marshall Islands
and the CBS "60 Minutes" camera crew. I will be pleased to discuss
the trip in detail at your convenience.

The primary DOE contribution to the meeting was the presentation

and explanation of the book "Enewetak Today," which has already
been sent to you. The President of the Marshall Islands also
sent an open letter to the people of Enewetak (Enclosure D).
Following our meeting with the people, their Council met with
Mr. Mitchell and his advisors; this meeting resulted in a petition
to DOI to reconsider the resettlement to Enjebi (Enclosure E).

A personal note - the generosity and hospitality of the people
were overwhelming.

3. DOE has discussed the desirability, if not necessity, of
preparing a supplemental EIS to consider the resettlement of
Enjebi. Mr. Mitchell has challenged the need for this, as
well as the relevance of Radiation Protection Guides and
Protection Action Guides (see Enclosure F, see also previously
sent EPA letter to Mrs. Van Cleve). Upon receipt of the letter,

DNA indicated that they wanted a meeting with Krulitz and staff,

Clusen and staff, and EPA staff to discuss the necessity of a
supplemental EIS, DNA's interest presumably based upon the fact
that DNA prepared the original EIS. This meeting has not yet
been scheduled, however.


ULL is recalculating the dose assessment in the light of

a) additional information now available from the remainder of
the islands, and b) in conformance of ICRP-30. While the

specific numbers will change, the changes are not expected to
be sizeable ones.

Select target paragraph3