A brief discussion of Federal Standards followed with comparison of
“occupational standards”, etc.


Dr. Brill noted that many people in the U.S. accept a much higher rate of
exposure in certain jobs, etc., than the Federal standards.
Dr. Ogle stated that U.S. standards were not intended to apply to an
individual or to a small group.
Dr. Bender stressed that the Federal Radiation Guides are not “rules” but

simply guidelines that set arbitrary levels,

Dr. Bender also stressed that the "guidelines" do not take into
consideration doses people receive from medical x-rays, etc. This is
estimated to be about 8G milirem a year. If you add this to an average of

100 normal (direct) rad

radiation, an individual in the U.S. regularly

receives about 180 R a year. This is not much different than the 250
people would receive on Engebi.

Dr. Bender also said that the normal dose in the Marshalls (direct) is

about 50 milirem per year.

Engebi himself.

He would have no hesitation about living on

Or. Qgle stated that in his opinion the rea! issue is emotional and
political. In his opinion, there are no physical radiation hazards that
can be measured at Engebi, and probably none at al? exist there.
Comparison with Bikini situation
High Commissioner Winkel asked how the "Engebi" situation compared to the
Bikini situation


Dr. Brill, after stating that he had not investigated the Bikini

situation in any depth, believed that the Bikini situation clearly was of @

different order of magnitude. Or. Bender concurred.
defer to analysis of more detatled data on Bikini.

Both, though, would

Or. Qgle was of the opinion (again qualified by stating that he had not
examined the Bikini data) tht there was appreciably more fallout at Bikini
and the situation might be significantly different there.


In short, these three experts appeared to be saying that there is no "danger" at

present or in the “future” at Engebi and that no 111 effects would result if
the people were allowed to return to live there.

Select target paragraph3