Martin B. Biles


February 10, 1972

Cluff stated they had given the task of providing communications
outside the Atoll to the NV communications office.
The base
station is planned for Eneu, to’ communicate with JI.
equipment will be from Amchitka.
This system is to be in place
before the team arrives at Bikini.

On the return flight from Bikini, Held plus one other will be
dropped off at Eniwetok. This effort is seperate from the Bikini
survey and will not be covered by OS funding.

As for the visit to Saipan, Cluff is to prepare an agenda for the

I am to prepare a collection of background materials

plus a draft TWX to the High Commissioner confirming the date of
the visit (the week of March 6, 1972).

distributed next week.

Tia AWo


be hin ode

fo nae

I was informed by Bill Moore that SWRHL-lllr, the EPA report on
Bikini cleanup and on the 1970 survey, was in the mail. He provided a copy. Held stated that his companion report would be



Tommy F./ McCraw
Nuclear Explosives Environmental
Safety Branch
Division of Operational Safety

J. Stewart, NV
W. Moore, WERL

E. Held, Univ. of Washington

W. W. Burr, Jr., BM
R. Conard, BNL
Carlson, MA

2). Hi, PASO


Select target paragraph3