Martin B. Biles


February 10, 1972

University of Washington staff will perform soil sampling and analygis with particular interest in samples from locations where houses
are constructed.
Cost of analysis for Pu is about $45.00 per sample.
There was some discussions on the need to look for uranium in Bikini
soils. Held stated that trees planted for food such as pandanus
should be labled for repeated sampling over the years as he has found
differences in radioactivity levels from tree-to-tree as high as a
factor of ten.

Held will collect vegetation samples including any

food crops, plus samples of water (sea and well water), and terrestrial and marine organisms. He would like eight cubic feet of freezer
space on Eneu. This is another point to discuss with the High Commissioner.
Next, there was discussion that the data base for Pu in Bikini soils
could be extended by analysis of additional soil samples collected in
1970. WERL staff stated they could analyze about 100 soil samples for
Pu per month at a cost of about $35.00 per sample. Held would also
like to analyze additional samples from the 1970 collection if funds
were available.

He would need about $2,500.

If it were known that

these funds would be available in FY 1972, the lab work could possibly
begin in April. WERL will provide gamma survey instruments and will
monitor around and in the houses in the village area. Also, any collected scrap in the Atoll will be monitored.


As to time of the survey and team membership, it was decided that the
team would meet in Honolulu to take the MAC flight to Kwajalein on

May 1, 1972.

Held recommended that with the tasks to be performed,

the team would need to be in Bikini Atoll about 12 days.

Held will

prepare a schedule of survey activities as before with the understanding

that this plan is subject to change.

The team will consist of:

University of Washington - 2


- 2


~ 2

+ Global support

-~ 2

ot end hw, 4 ee

_ The plan is for the team to travel from Kwajalein to Eneu and return

by air. The team will be provided water transportation within the
Atoll through use of the boat purchased by AEC and now at Honolulu
and a boat operator from Global. The boat is to arrive in Kwajalein
on March 28, 1972 and will be transported to Bikini prior to team
arrival. NV, through PASO, will secure the necessary Global support
and will obtain logistics support for the team and its equipment
west of Honolulu.

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