Program Planning Alternatives

Cleanup end redevelop facilitics to accommodate only the few rctvurning

islanders who could subsist in Bikini's present environment.
This is rejected because of the need to resettle and provide as suitable
an environment for ali of the displaced islanders who have rights to Bikini
and who desire to return, not just the few who might be disposed to attempt
to survive under Bikini's present conditions.

Undertake a revianting and reconstruction program to accommodate: all

those who desire to return to Bikini now.
Tnis is not recommended because newly ‘planted coconut trees require
six to ten years of growth before they are sufficiently productive to provide
subsistence and an export crop of copra.

If all islanders desiring to return

were resettled on Bikini at the outset of the replanting program, they vould
have to be subsidized for several ‘years.

This is not regarded as socially

or economically desirable.

Replant the island; limit the number of resettled families in the

increment to those who can be employed in construction, planting and
orchard maintenance.

Phase in other families in subsequent years.

The recommenéed resettlement program may be summarized as follows:

wain islends of Bikini and Enyu, which are those designated by the

Atonic Energy Commission consultants as being suitable for return and redevplopment, shall be cleared of test activity debris and Cleared of scrub vegetction
sO 2S to permit the replanting of the coconut groves and other food crovs.
The 4,500 foot airstrip on Enyu will be rehabilitated and the few salvageebie

Select target paragraph3