the first year and six additional units per year for the next five years.

Each unit will consist of the dwelling itself, cistern, bath house, toilet,
cook house, etc.

Costs estimates per unit include these facilities.


Bikini people, have stated a preference for permanent--concrete--~construction,
Housing designs are being prepared to meet these requirements within the

$6,000 cost estimates.
Resettlement costs anticipate the relocation of 30 families as soon as

housing is available with additional families being phased into the new
community es additional housing and plantings permit.
upon en average of 6 persons for each family.

Estimates are based

They also include a feeding

subsidy of $3.00 a day per family for its first year on Bikini, dropping to"
$2.00 a day per family for the second end subsequent years, The expLoyment
of Bikiniens in the clearing and redevelopment work will diminish the need

for Gircect feeding subsidies pending the maturation of commercial and food

Emvloyment is a basic assumption in the plans for Bikini and the cost

estinates include wages at the prevailing scale,

Tne goal is to provide an attractive, healthful, liveable community fully
and adequately meeting the needs of the people of the atoll; one which can
serve és a model for community development in other Pacific islends.

~ li “—

Select target paragraph3