buildings will be used in the clean-up and carly redevelopment work.
Clearing of vegetation will be done’ in strips so as to permit the plenting
of seedlings with int| ervening strips of existing vegetation left to control

erosion. As the scattvne develop the erosion control strips will gradually
be cleared.

Replanting, estimated to require 100,000 nuts should follow on

the heels of debris and vegetation clearing on Bikini and Enyu.

Clearing of other islands should follow the cleanup of Bikini and Enyu.
Tne other islands of the atoll will not be cultivated or used for residences
for the foreseeable future,

Clearing will consist of removal of test activity

debris, particulerly radio-~-active meterial. It is planned to leave the massive
bunkers which are located on several of these islands,

The Bikini and Enyu

bunkers Will also be left to provide storm shelter or other community use
Bikini was the population center of the pre-test community and the Bikinicans
ave indicated they want their new village center located adjacent to the
cemetery, its former location.

This will consist of a disspensary, school,

meeting house, church, administrative facilities and some warehousing and
equivment shelter.

It is planned to construct et the outset facilities

(except for the school) which will be adequate for the totel anticivated

population of Bikini.

An addition to the school is planned for 1973.

The Bikinians wish to live on their individual "wetos" (land parcels)
rather than in a village complex.

This decision on their part will precludg

@ central water supply andsewerege system although the relative dispersal
will have

other health benefits.

The Bikinians have been living in @ village

situation since 1946 and appear to prefer the traditicnal Moershallese style
of living on the land.

Plans call for the construction of 30 housing units

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Select target paragraph3