weapons which will lead to more efficient use af both tactical
and strategic atomic weapons should the need arise,
In short, enormous gaing in defensive power of the free world

have come from these tests.
The detonations have produced no substantial hazards to the public

health and safety. n the proving ground itself mone af the worlmen,
the scientists, engineers nor the troopa have com even close te
experiencing radiation sickness or blast injury.

For the people

off-site there has been no reason to give serious sonsideration to

The record of highest radiation exposures in populated areas

cutside the proving ground has been published in the AEC's 14th

Semianmial Report to Congress. It's analysis shows no hazard to health.
Livestock grazing in the immediate vicinity ef the proving ground

have suffered some nominal injury from radioactive fall-out.


supply the facts ef:are finally determined.) The Livestock herds and flocks
affected were in close-in areas where their grasing was a calculated
risk on the part of the owers.

Nevertheless the AEC has moved to

compensate.(Here what the facts turn out to be.)
The tests have brought inconvenience to some industries and scientific
study enterprises whose products or operations are affected by increase

in the background radiation brought on by radioactive fall-out.

The film

industry, hovevar. with AEC cooperation has learned to live with the

RRC ae

Select target paragraph3