It has been asserted that the operations at the Nevada Proving
Ground particularly those in the spring series, 1953, have been

adverse to the national interest.

The Ataxis Energy Commission and

the Department of Defense believe, to the contrary, that these

operations have well served the national interest.

The four test series of the past 2} years involving
detonations have speeded the weapons development program of this

nation hy at least one year and possibly two as compared with what

- would have been possible bad these tests been located at the Pacific
Proving Ground. The cost in dollars has been leas than


of carrying on these operations in the Pacific, and the savings in
scientific manpowar have been invaluable.
The most recant series yielded results of the highest importance.
Five of the detonations advanced the thermomiclesry weapons program.

Of the remaining six, all were important to the improvement of standard

For example, ane confirmed a theary which is now being applied

to increasing the striking pow of the fissionable materials in our

Another proved-in the atomic warhead for large caliber

artillery projectiles, A third produced knowledge of the effects of

Select target paragraph3