Members of (he Subcotinittee on Somatic Effects
Arthur C. Upton, Chatraan, HPealth Sciences

Carl Vo Moore, Department ef Internal Medicing, Washington University School of Medi-

Center, State University of New York at

Stony Ereok, Stony Brook, New York






cine, 660 So. Euclid Avenue, St. Louis, Mis-



Sciences, Medical Poilaweup Acencv. 2101
Constitution Avenue NL oW.. Washinton,
Victor P. Bond, Brookbaven National Labora-

Edward Po Radford, Departinent of Favironmental Medteine, Johns Hopkins University,
School of Hyyiene and Public Health, Baltimere, Maryland

tory, Upton, Long Tstand. New York

Joseph E. Rall, National Institute of Arthritis

J. Martin Brown, Department of Radtolopy,
Stanford Medical Center, Stanfurd California
George W. Casarett. Department of Radiation

and Met abolic Diseases, National Institutes
of Health, Bethesda, Maryland

Furere L. Saenger, University of Cincinnati,

Bioloey end Biophysics, University of Rochester Medical Center, an Crittenden Boulevard, Rochester. New York

Cotleee of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohie
William B. Seaman, Department of Radiology,

Louis H. Hempelmarn, Strons Memorial Hospi-_
tal, Rochester, New York

Edward 6. Lewis. Division of Binlug v. Catifornia Institute of Teck: cology. Pasadena, California
Robert W.
Miller. Eni mMouluey Béaneh, National Cancer Insiit
J Natrenal Institutes
of Health, Bethesda. M arstand

Columbia University, 622 West

168th St.

New York, New York
John B. Storer, Biology Division. Bld. 9207,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridze,

Shields Warren, Cancer Research Institute,
NewEngtand Deaconess Hospital, 194 Pilgrim
Road, Boston, Massachusetts

Wilfrid J. Dixen. Denartmen: ofc B om sthennate
6835 Huntington -wenue, Boston, Massachuies, School ai M

sells |

Seymour Jablon, Medical Follow-up Asweney,
National Academy of Scienees. 2101 Cor
Rultution Avenue, Washington. D.C.
Brian MacMahon. Department ot Enidemiotegy, Harvard School of Public Heaiz}

nia, Los Angetes, Cali

Jacob i. Fabrikanct. The U

7 Connect-

ieut Health Center, Hartford, Cunnecticut

George B. Hurchisan. Department of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Pubtic Health.

Huntington Avenue. Boston. Massachusetts

Members of the Advisory Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations
Ad Hoc Committee
Cyrus Levinthal. Ch Irma, Department of
Biology, Room #754 Schermernorn Extension, Columbia University, itech Street &
Amsterdam Avenue, Ney
y York
J. Martin Brown, De yer nt at Radioingy,
Sianfo:d Moelical Center. Stanton Caliiornin
Cyril L. Comair, Department of Physica! Biolory, New York Stare Veterinary Colere, Cornell University, Ihaca. Ne Yors
dames Fo Cros. Det
7 Medieal Genet-

Samuel P. Hicks. Department of Pathulogy,
University of Michizan Medical Certer. Ann
Arbor, Michigan

Joseph E. Rall, National Institutes of Health.
Bide. 10, Rin. 9N222, Bethesda, Maryviand

Arcuhar C. Upton. Poatth Sciences Center, State

Vaiversity of New York at Stony Brook,
Stony Brook, New York

Division of Medicent Sctenees - National Acade.
invof Sciences - Nattotal Research Counct
STARR OFFICELS: Athert W. Tilberg

lex, Genetics Baieiipe. Vsriversiiv of Wiscon-

sin, Madiscs, Wise otein

David A. MeConnsanrhes


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