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Members of the Advisory Committee on the Biological Elects of lanizing Radtattons
Cyril L. Comar, Chairaztio. Departient of
Physical Brolugy, New York State Veterinary Cullesre, Cornell University, Ithaca,

New York






Cyrus Levinthal, Department of Bishyey, Radi


Building, Caiversity af Wisconsin, 117 West
Johnson Street. Madison. Wisconsin
Victor BP. Bond, Brookhaven National Laboratory. Upion, Long Island. New York
J. Martin Brown, Department of Radiology,

Stanford Medical Center, Stanford, California

George W. Casarett, Department of Radiation

Biology ant Biophysics.
versity of Rochester Medical Center, 250 Crittenden Boulevard, Rochester, New York

James F. Crow, Department of Medical Genet-

ics, Genetics Building, Univer-ity of Wiscon-

sin, Madison, Wisconsin

John H. Dingle, Department of Community

Health. Wearn Research Dultiing, University Hospitaiis, Cleveland. Onin

Robert A. Good. University a7 Minnesota Hospitals, Maye Box 494, Minneanetis, Minnesota
of Patholegy,

ven. Center, Ann

Arbor, Michigan
George G. Hutchison, Denartinent of Epidemistouv, Harvard School of Public Health,

665 Huntirgton Avenue, Besven. Massachusetts

FTAA Schermechorn Extension, Columbia
University, Ehoth Street & Amsterdam Ave:
nue, New York, New York

Bidward B. Lewis, Binlagy Division, California

Instituce of Technoloyy, Pasadena, California

Robert W. Miller, Epidemiology Branch, Na-

tional Cancer Institute, National Institutes
of Health, Bethesda, Maryland

*Carh V. Moore, Department of Internal Medicine, Washington Unisersity School of Medicine, 600 So. Euclid Avenue, St. Louis, Missourt
Edward P. Radford. Department of Environmental Medicine. Johns Hopkins University,
School of Hygiene and Public Health, 615
North Wolfe Street, Baltimore, Maryland
Joseph E. Rall, National Institutes of Health,
Bldg. 10, Rm. ON222, Bethesda, Maryland
William L. Russell, Dielogy Division, Oak Riige
National Laboratory, P.O. Box Y Oak Ridge,

Eugene L. Saenger. University cf Cincinnati,
College of Medicine. Cincinnati, Olio

Edward L. Tatum. The Rockefeller University,
NewYork, New York


Arthur C. Upton, Health Seiences Center, State
University of Mew York at Sronyv Brock,
Stony Brook, New York


Wilfrid J. Dixon, Departmenz cf Blomathematies, Schuai of Medivina, University of California, Los Angeles, California

Brian MacMahon, Department af Epidemialogy. Harvard School of Pubic Health. 665
Huntington Avenue, Bostun, Massachusetts

Dever esed

Shietds Warren, Cancer Research Institute,
New England Deaconess Hosvital, 194 Pilgrim Road, Boston, Massachusetts

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