
Data on results of personnel
monitoring reported to the ©
Comaission pursuant to §20.407,
10 CFR Part 20, for calendar year
1973, indicate that 67,862

individuals were monitored, 29,169

received measurable exposures
averaging 0.73 rem for the year,
and 3,425 individuals (11.8 percent of those receiving measurable
exposures) had estimated exposures

in excess of 2 rems.20/

If M in the preposed regulations were set at 55 years
and X at 3 rem/year,
would be achieved.

the necessary reduction in cancer fatalities
If the work force has the same distribution
some 16% would be over 55 years old
indicetes that only

exposed above

Ii M were

set at 45 and X

ren/year, the cancer reduction would be achieved, and som2 373%

ula be expected to be above 45.


of the work force c

latter case, by limiting the exposure of workers over 45

rem for



in any one vear)

could receive


of the work

3.5 rem in the third veac.


Since there is gecad reason to believe that the present

excosures are not as low as pvacticable,

the industry should

noc have great difficulty in conforming to these proposed

26/°fbid., 3.75).

Select target paragraph3