




which in our judgment should be caually applicable to
occupational exposure standards.


A Comalttee of the ICRP in 1969 reviewed the
same material that formed the basis for the STIR Report and
indicated that the somatic effects of radiaticn were 5 to 6
times worse than was estimated previously.

The ICRP made

no recommendations relative to the exvosure standards;

The choice between no change and
a partial ana tentative revision will
depend, so it seems to us, not only
on a scientific assessment si evidence,
but also on practical


such as tne ganeraid
ivy of
stability in the reco:
cns over
a period of years.
1c2 batveen
Practical considerati
Sclentific avidance i
ar for
judgement outside the
trame of refsrence.
it seemed uselul to give an examcle
in Appendix IV of how our conclusions
about relative tissue sensiztivity to
cancer induction py radiation might he
used as a basis for sattinzr dose limits
ror individual tissues ani exgans and
pernaps ror the wnole bod:..6/

Select target paragraph3