fuel cycle will be plutonium-239 which has a 24,400 year halflife.

In other words,

in 240,000 years the inventory of this

hazardous material would be reduced by only a factor of 1000
due to natural radioactive decay.

This material must be

isolated from the environment in perpetuity.


Existine Standards for Plutonium Exsosure
Radiation exposure standards have been established

because radiation is known to produce cencer and genetic
mutations in individuals irradiated.

The mutations can

in turn cause genetic defects in subsequent generations.
Tae intenc of the exposure standards is to limit this biological

The macnituce of the biological effect has been

shown to be related to the radiation dose.
dose the greater the effect.

The higher the

Therefore, the primary radia-

tion exposure standard is one that limits the radiation


This orimary standard is generally referred to as the

maximum permissible dose and is given in units of ren/yr.

wa snall discuss the nature of this unit subsequently.
An individual can be exposed to radiation from sources
that are external

to his body as,

for example,

an X-ray

machine or irom radionuclides which emit X-ray like radiation
deoosited on tne ground

(this occurred with fallout from

natlear weapon tests).

Alternacely, an individual can be

Select target paragraph3