
indicates that the risk of genetic damage is comparable to
the leukcmia and cancer risk and, therefore, is also too high
regardless of any special weighting that it deserves.
Again, we strongly suggest that the upper Limit
estimate of the genetic risk be used in this comparison.

The BEIR Committee suggested caution in the use of these
estimates and began its Discussion section by stating:
A major concern of the Subccamittce
is the possisle existence of a class

of radiation-incuced genetic damage

that has been left out of the estimates.
By relying so heavily on exserimental
data in the mouse we may have overlooked
‘important erfects that are not readily
detected in mice, or the mouse nay not
be a proper laboratory modei for the
study of man.l9/
As if to reempnasive this, the Comnittee corcluéed this

We renind all who may wse2 our

estimates as a basis for solicy
decisions that cthess estimates
are an attempt to take

i~ 4


radiation, and that there ma
be intan¢gible
whose cumvlati
appreciable, a
There iS reason to suggest that the BETR Committee
should have implied an even nore cautious approach to their









Select target paragraph3