subject to normal non-radiological occupational hazards,

and hence the average risk in the industry will still be
above the average for all occupations even with the adoption
of our provosed changes.


it would even be reasonable

to argue that the risk of radiation induced cancer should

be further reduced.

Consequently, we see no justification

for a higher risk, particularly since the above estimute of
the cancer and leukemia risk does not include the additional
risk associated with radiation induced genetic damage.

of all identificd serious genetic diseases due to 5 rem ser
eneracion to a population of 1 million would be between 300
to 7,500 per year at equilibriun.


In addition, the BEIR

Report estimated that this same exposure at escuilibriun
would eventually lead to an increase of between 0.53 and

5% in the ill health of the population.
The apsroach for estimating the genetically
significant Goss
by age 30.


is to use that exsosure accumulated

Tne emisting exposure Limit would allow a worker

@xcosed at 5 renfvear from aga 18 to accumulate a dose of
GO rom by age 30.

Hence, based on the RETR Report estinates

Select target paragraph3