

an atomic species of spoentancously emitted radiation. Although the tests revealed nothing unto-

ward, they are indicative of a caution bordering

on uncertainty about exposure to places like

On Runit, two of the many detonations carved

craters — Cactus and LaCrosse — and it is into
Cactus that troops of the Sith’ Engineering Battalien from Schefield Barracks in (lawaii will be
burying radioactive wastes.i:.
Two troop teams will sweep across the rest of
the atoll while 88 persons of Team C will go to
work on Runt. Wilh them oat all times will be
cight or nine radiological safety officers, part of a
yroup of G3 persons dircetly responsible for radiotopic:al control.
We will be concerned about Ube salely of the
men doing the work as well as ourselves," said

Cupt. Day. ‘Each person and his tools will be

continuously monitored with instruments.
“Our biggest problem will be with the pluloniym in the soil. Kicking it up in the dust and resus-

pending the plutonium in the.air is the biggest
risk. Our feelings are that the migration of plu-

will be heavily dressed in full protective clothing: rey vemmember that jin the 1950s, we used to saya
and complete face masks, ie said. The men wil] ”:Eayeather delay cost us $} million a day. Our operawork two hours, then take two hours off.‘because tiqnal gosts; running three to four months, were
of the merciless temperature, ;
} we, maybe $100 to $150 million apiece."
= Ray said he believes there is an institutional as
Contaminated soil will be’ excised’? jin pinches
placed in a canopy-covered dump truck and haul
well as personal moral commitment to make the
ed to Cactus crater to be dumpedintoits pit.
atoll safe for the Enewetak People |lo resume their
But what is the level of risk?
pee wa of life.
“We have no specific analysis of safety in lerms3::: ERDA has developed what tt 5 calling a“dose
of a statistical expectation of numbers of cancerswv commitment" for the Enewetak people, ‘defined
or deaths,’’ suid Noger Ray, assistant manager of...as.the naximum absorption of radioactive
environment and safety for the Energy Research” _ materials they can receive without risk,
and Development Administration (ERDA).'tWe Y : We hope the peopic will be here for a Hfetime
just don't expect any guy who comes out here to and for gencrations," Ray said.,.
end up with a greater exposure than he would ; So what wouldbe acceptable numbers in the
have had if he had stayed home.
way of radiation for a guy who is here only six
“With the emission of any rays from the plucet.- months, galing meals prepared entirely (rom food
tonium, you're talking aboul a mo%ement of tens. _ shipped in from oulside — well, those numbers
ust be very much lower for these people.
of feet or yards, Not Movement clear across the",
that sort of consideration thal accounts for
. v
Peopte on the southern islands of the ‘atoll today 3“Us denying the atoll to them for so many years.
are in the same kind of rudioactive environment, rt Sater

thal one would find on the Meinland, he said.
-“IF you go to Runit or other islands in the north,


you come up with levels that, over a-long period _

of time, would be three or four times above ;

what's acceptable.

“So you start locking at what you |can remove.

You can remiove a piece af contaminated iron —

tonium should be very smal, bused on our esti- ‘that's 2 gamma emitter. It's going lo be less easy
nutes of foot traffic and light velicles on the site. _to remove the seil.Besides plutonium, the radioactive. Contami“We'll have to determine this, however, by
actwat excerience. We'll be controlling the dust by wants of Enewetak are cesium, strontium 90 and
ater sprinkling, and by avoiding brule force on

the soil. We'll be removing it at depths of 2 to 3

inches al a time, and of ccurs2 we ‘Ml closely watch

the wind.’

All of the troops and radiological safely, officers:

ee reaeee| ree



SiS ae

cobalt 60. Tire cost to rehabilitate the ntoll for the

460 people who wish to live here is budgeted at $32
million and may ren higher. But the money, the|
United States spent in its 10-year testing program

ran into the billions, recalls Ray,


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