Dr. I. E. Wallen

April 25, 1968

Stephenson, William, and Rees, May.


Some portunid

crabs from the Pacific and Indian oceans in the
collections of the Smithsonian Institution.

U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 120, no. 3556, pp. 1-114,
38 figs., 9 pls.

‘Wells, John W. 1954, Recent corals from the Marshall
Islands. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 260-I, pp. 385-486,
92 pls.
Yaldwyn, John C, 1962. A new Pasiphaea (Crustacea,
Decapoda, Natantia) from southern Californian waters.
Bull. Southern California Acad. Sci., vol. 61,
pp. 15-24, 19 figs.
Outside specialists who were sought to implement the purposes
of the ONR-AEC contracts were offered token honoraria ranging
from 100 to 700 dollars, half to be paid when half of the material
had been identified and the remainder on the return of the identified


A purchase order (No. 33767) for %,500 was


established in the Fiscal Division to cover these honoraria. As
of November 30, 1965, a total of $1,750 had been disbursed, leaving
a balance of $2,750. I do not recall that any honoraria have
been paid since that date. Of the purchase-order amount, $1,500
was allocated for amphipod identifications by Dr. J. L. Barnard,
but Dr. Barnard discovered that he could not discharge the
commitment in a reasonable length of time, and his contract was
Inasmuch as permission was denied to distribute this
$1,500 among other participants already under contract, that sum
will presumably remain unallocated and available for work on other
“groups, if and when specialists can be found,



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If further faunal investigations of Bikini are contemplated,
serious attention should be given to means of promoting interest
in the invertebrate collections.
I doubt very much that such
interest could be engendered in most of the small number of
competent invertebrate specialists unless the investigation
assumed crash-program proportions, with subsidies so generous that
they could not be ignored. Certainly the progress achieved thus
. far under the existing contracts indicates that token honoraria
will not get the job done without extensive delay; at least one of

Select target paragraph3