Bikini Atoll,

Ujelang Atoll, Wotho Atoll,

Likiep Atoll,

Ailinginae Atoll,

Utirik Atoll,

Ailuk Atoll,

Rongelap Atoll,

Rongerik Atoll,

Taka Atoll,

Bikar Atoll, Mejit Island,


Jimo Islands.


Raw (readable hard copy) data results of such

surveying shall be made immediately available to


counsel and advisers of the Bikini people.

Incependent Analysis of Survey Data

In recognition of the desire of the Bikini

people to have available to them an independent scientific
judgment and analysis of the radiation survey data to assist
them in making a decision with respect to resettlement,


Bikini people shall be entitled to select a qualified
scientist having generally accepted scientific training and
experience to participate in the process of analysis of
Survey results and preparation of the final survey report.

The United States Department of Energy,

agency in charge of the radiation survey,

as the

shall arrange to

contract with the individual selected by the Bikini people
for the purposes set forth in the preceding paragraph, provided only that terms of any such contract with respect to
compensation and expenses shall be reasonably based on prevailing consultation fees and expenses for work of similar

The individual selected by the Bikini people

to participate in the analysis of survey data and preparation
of the final survey report

shall be guaranteed independence

and full access to all survey data available to the Department of Energy and shall have a full opportunity to make a
complete and detailed report of his or her findings,
recommendations and conclusions.


Select target paragraph3