Radiolowical Survoyof Downwind ‘tolls Contaminatod by BRAVO
8 Marcr



9 March

1800 Two partios in smll boats survoyod living are
on Rongolap ‘sland and castorn half of Rongolap Atol

© 0700 + 1130 Two partics in smll boats prococded from tho *
which was stationed outside Utirik Atoll and survoyc’
Jtirik and Aco Islands, tho main islands of tho Atol

9 March - .500 = 1700 Onc party in a small boat landodon tho outer

reof of Bikar Island and survoyodtho’ island, tho on
large island of Bikar Atoll.
Boe |

LO Marcr

(70) - LLCO

Two partica in small boats proccodad {xem the -

which was stationod outsido Rongerik Atoll and. surve

Eniwotak Island (whero the Task Force's Units had be

stationed) ard the other Important islands of tho At:

1O Marct

430 ~- 19@0 Two partios in smll boats proceeded fromthe
which was stationed outsido Alinginao Atoll and surv
the inhabitoc islands of tho Atoll,

1) Marcr

«© (9700 = 1400 Ono party in a emall boat survoyod tho northwo
orn, islands of Rongolap Atoll and onc party rochock

tho living aroas on Rongolap Island and ostablished roforanco location for futuro docay moasuromonts,

12 Mareh ~- NBOO

Survey toam arrived Mniwotok Atoll via DDE.

4. Tho following personnel from t cst projocts in TG 7.1, TU 13, sorvod «
members of tho surwy t.oam:
TU-13 Staff

Pro joct 2,1



Project be4

Tho USS NICHOLAS (DDE 449) suppliod boat crows undor tho digestion of LT
, Exocutive Officer, for survoys.

5e _ instrumentation

Radiac ect AN/PDR-39 was sclcctcd as tho instrummt to be used in the

conduct ef the survey.

Fivo (5) cach of AN/PDR-39 woro calibrated with an 80

Curie Co
sourco twenty-four hours before departuro. Tho calibration yiclded
zcro variation botwoon instrumonts - ary scalo. Upon cross chocking threo of

thoso instruments, ‘a point of actual survoy) in a radiation ficld of 0.320 r/
it was found that all throo instrumcnt+ gave the same reading.

Thoso survey mcters wore subjcet to prolonged uso undor advorso condi

tions ef, dampness (to the point of sca watcr splashing over thom), salt doposi’

and continual rough handling. With on oxception, all instruments oporated
efficicntly for tho duration of the op ration. On tho final day it was found






Select target paragraph3