Report on 3oil and “hter Sampling Mission



collected at approximtely
1200 M, 6 March 1954. Instrument readings with the 1D
Showed a maximum of 3 ar/hr, however this was not considered reliable, since a
higher scale showed a lower reading.



Tho ship reached this atoll at approximtely 1600 M, é

March 1954, and slowly moved to an anchorage off Ailuk Island, the most heavily
populated. The lagoon has not been swept, and numerous coral heads and pinnaclos
provided considerablo hazard to ship movement,

The landing party moved ashore by

whaleboat withouwt difficulty, and agnin obtained water samples from the most promi.
ent cistern and soil samples from random unsheltered spots. Readings with the

showed appreoimtely 3 mr/hr (off tho 2 mr scale).

An AN/PDR-27E showed a high

reading of 7 mr/hr, however, on a difforent scale a reading of 12 or 15 or/hr was
obtained, The NX-5 roading is probably ncarest correct. No significant varlatic
were detectcd on bare foct or clothing of individuals. Samplos and roadings wore
taken at approximtely 1700 M, 6 March 19'4,
d. MEJIT Islend. This single coral island is also surrounded bya reof
1s is JEMO, but landing wis possiblo with a whaleboat, dio to an areca protectod f
the surf, The island was found to bo hcavily populated in viow of its sizo, tho
total number of people boing 327, according to the island magistrate, Soil and
water samplos wero taken as in tho proviously describod mannor, at approximtoly
1300 M, 7 March 1954. Roadings with tho MX-5 showed maximum of approximately 3

orfhr (off the 2 scale, but appraximatoly 1.5 on the 20 scale); the maximum road.
with a POR 27 Ewes lO or/nr, Tho truo Miguro was probably somowhoro between the

2. CONCLUSIONS. Low level (less than 10 or/nr) radiation measuromert s with

fiold instrummts of tho typo used aro highly unsatisfactory,

Mo MX-5 and threo

AN/PDR 27 E instruments all showed widoly variant readings on different scales,
and varied among cach othor when exposed to the seme radiation. An AN/PDR 71-3
proved completoly useless not holding to sero oven after an hours warmup, and
also showing widely variant readings on difforent scales.



be provided with
to personnol and
with loss dangor
should draw such

Landing parties in islands such as JEMO and MEJIT shou

a rubbor 6-man or 6-man pneumtic boat, to provide groator safct:
cquipment. This will pormtt landing directly on live coral reof.
of the boat being stovo in. Ships assigned to such missions
oquipment prior to departurs,

he Tho successful accomplishment of tho mission ms groatly facilitated by
tho interest and enthusiasm of tho Commanding Officer of tho USS RENSHAW, CDR
USN, and his officers and mon. Their matorial contributions wore noccssa:
to the mission, howevor, tho many valuable suggestions and assistance in solution:
of problems proved invaluable.


R, dd. Crea







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