external and internal emitters for a base
population of a few hundred people, the Task
Group had severe reservations about the
validity of the estimates. The recommendations of tne Task Group are considered to be
practicable and feasible. The largest cost item
for the recommended cleanup would be the
support base; the second largest item would be
removal and disposal of contaminated and
uncontaminated scrap andthe cleanup, removal
and disposal of plutonium contaminated soil,

Since the recommendations do not contemplate

extensive decontamination of residual radioactivity

in soil of northern islands such as JANET, the cost

should be less than any approach involving extensive soil removal, disposal, and replacement
Following consideration and approval of the
Task Group findings, the staff will inform
DNA and DOL A briefing will then be developed
and rehearsed for presentation to the people of
Enewetak and their advisors during a joint
AEC-DNA-DOI trip to the Pacific. This presentation will be designed to be a vehicle for
U.S. Covernment consuitation with the people
on the AEC recommendations and the proposed
DNA-DOI Draft Environmental Impact Statement
(DEIS). Opening remarks at the briefing would
be delivered by senior AEC, DNA, and DOI

officials. In more detailed discussions to
follow, AEC recommendations and the DEIS

wouid be discussed by the AEC and DNA techrice*

Atter the visit, AEC staff wili

inform the Commission of results of these discuss:



Tnat alternative 3 and the associated criteria

ve approved.

Note that the responsibility for disposal of

contaminated material, including plutonium,
rests with DNA,

Select target paragraph3