_3is not surprising that, with the information then available, thyroid
disease was not expected in the Utirik people.
Even more important

is that. only very recently information became available from several


For these reasons, I believe it is of great importance that the
leaders of the people of Utirik explain to their people the purpose
and the importance of the regular medical examinations.
Many people living in the Marshall Islands District suffer from

During the visits, the doctors from ERDA have tried to
learn more about this disease so that they could better treat
the people.
Kot all doctors agree about the kinds of medicine to
be used for treatment.
I feel con€ident that the treatment used
by Dr. Fnudsen, and as recommended by an expert in this disease,
will, benefit the Utirik people that suffer from this disease.




With regard to your concern about the arrow-root plants, I have
no reuson Co believe that the reduced size of the plants is caused
by radiation.
& say this because from what is known about radiation
effects in plants, the levels of radiation on Utirik are far too
low to cause phant damage.
Conducting - the medical examinaCions and treating, people, of the.
Petends whenever uccessary, has been ‘largely in the’ hands,‘Of Drs : Conara°
and Kuudsen, and during the past year, Dr. Ko trady.
On many occasions,
expert edical advice. was invited front the best dectors in the field,
‘many of ‘whom: as you ‘mow participated in the actual: metical bv aminations.

v Ee is my belief that Drs.:Conard, Knudsen and, Kotrady, are very, capable

Che Oe ees
Nt a nei eel
pee rele wenceetaanle cates y fe oetleihat a ee ee Aaet ner bed bs

me NS Dl aa

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sourees that the thyroid gland, especially in children, is considerably
more sensitive to radiation than was anticipated in 1954. Taking
these factors tomether, we believe now, many years later, that the
thyroid cancers in the Utirik people were probably caused by radiation.
At this time we are not able to predict whether more cases are to
be expected in the exposed members of the Utirik population.
It is,
therefore, of the greatest importance that the regular medical
examinations be continued in the future.
By having regular medical
examinations, signs of thyroid disease can be detected early andprompt treatment will avoid unnecessary suffering on the part of
the Utirik people.

and conscientious doctors “who are deeply comattted tothe Keéalth ‘and
“welfare: of the: poople of Utinik.: Moreover, “the.report by the Special. ob saa
Commitee ‘On Ronielap and Utixik,.. which’ Was ‘formed’ ‘by rile Conéreds

ie MicronesSiu, Was generally: 3favorablewith regard Co, ch






















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