indicating that their exposure must h ave
however, and that relates to the radiation dose

disease from exposure,

been considerably less than the people of Rongelaw Island.
is one exception,

to the children's thyroid which I shall address later in this>

Following the return to the island, it was decided that cone inued
medical examinations of the exposed peeple of Utirik were to be
Such examinations were conducted at regular intervais to
assure that they had not been harmed.
Examinations were dene
in 1957, 1959, 1963, 1966, 1969, 1972 and 1975.
uring the wast
six years, thyroid examinations were done and sick calls wer 2
held every year in addition to completa physical examinations
Also, for the past several years, American doctors have visi fed
Utirik every three months.

In addition to examining the people whe have been exposed to
radiation, the doctors selected a contro] group so that they could
compare the health of exposed and non~exposed people.
This control
group consists of unexposed people from Rongelap and is cons idered
quite adequate for comparison with che exposed people of bot i
Rongelap and Utirik.
The slight genetic differance betueen the
two populations was not considered s sufficient reason to se lect
a separate control group for Utirik.
One of your questions concerned

the fact that


the children co r


exposed islanders (who were vot thenselves expand) bave not
been included in the regular examinations.
Large groups of children
of exposed parents have been studied eleewhere.
None of Cher 32
studies revealed any radiation-caused illness or defects.
it was expected that the health of this group of chiidren of
Utirik would not be affected.
Of course, all. children Are &menined|
"and treated as needed: at sick calls¥whenever the’ doctors vis te










As I said earlier inthis: le eter, maay facts about radiation

were not known back in 1954 bet the best avaliahic medical 4 udement

ad BS


, sae

‘was-used in: decisions affecting:-the people. of Urseaks? “Study ing
the sane problems:snow and with the knovledge we have booay, Le

al aspeatee tint thes duetersau “hat Chee send mol wes fi kta degre
J OL exposureof the thyroid: duc to fatlone. | Tis wmne bepestely
wv SENG. ofthe children. because their: thy rod, is, REC, smaller

Select target paragraph3