


February 3, 1959

MIT = Rain study

The Thursday mornin, weeting was attended by Dr. Pauline Austin and
Messrs. Newell and Fleisher..of the Radakeiteteorolosy group, Drs.
Victor Starr, £&. Lorenz and %. White of the General Circulation
Project, Prof. Winchester of the Ceology Department, Drs. &. iartell
and Cc. Junge of the Air Force Cambridge Research Center, Dr. L. ‘achta
of the Weather bureau, and syself. In order to learn more about both
the scavenging of particulates by rain and the physics of precipitation,
it was agreed:

(a) The MIT studies of total beta activity in very short-period rain

samples, collected by a 25 square foot collector, should be continued
and modified to include counting both the filtrate and the residue.

(b) For selected cases, these 1/2 - liter samples should be recombined

and sent to Dr. Martell for Sr70 and ph210 analysis.

(c) DOr. Junge will analyze these seme samples for natural salts, the

vertical concentration profiles of which sre sufficiently well known

to give an indication of the volume of air scavenged.

If the pp-ll

can be related to volume scavenged, then the salt concentration way
give information on the altitude of fermation of the rain.

(d) A 250-ce aliquot will be set to USGS in Washington for D/li and

01:/015 ratio measurements.

It is hoped that these ratio can be

correlated with condensation mixing ratio sufficiently closely to

permit its use for indirect measurement.

Together with the other

two tracera this would sive considerable information regardin;, the
condensation and scavenziny process.

(e) Martell and inchester will explore the possibility of havin:

Dr. J. Arnold at Scripps Institution of Oceanography analyze selected
larze-volume samples for Be’, $ 35nd p32, natural cosmic-ray induced

activities which are useful for identifying the proposition of scaven;ed
particles which are of recent stratospheric origin. Dr. “achta will
coordinate the project from the standpoint of fallout, and is authorized
to spend with MIT up to $5,000 of AEC transferred funds.


MIT + Stratospheric Circulation Project

The Thursday afternoon meetin: was attended by Starr, Lorenz, White,
Machta, Martell, Junce, Fleisher and myself. The meeting sewed mainly

to bring Starr's yroup up to date on the radicactivity data and problems

in interpretation, and to bring the ‘nuclear’ croup up-to-date on the

general circulation studies at stratospheric altitudes.




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SURNAME > project.

DATEp |_ aL..
Form AEC-818 (Rev. +53)

Starr's AEC



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