Fage 13, Par ih

Zuis puregreph mentions the vogiirment fox, She one-

whitey te complete eperaticns

choamh.aidp if

Bikini Atoll were contaxinated but 4% ie believed

Pace 17, lines 13

anc 1,

Pace 2h, Line 15

Page 26, line 7

sos prarieus gusts on te wubiect of tytom


After “and add "together with the other fall-out


Substitute "partially" for “seon''.
adc the following: “Additional information on ommunication difficulties aboard the ESTES is contained

Pace 29, lst Par

Recommend that the BAIROKO effelnadine dates be added.

Pace 36, Par k

after "recovery" add"end generel logistic aupport™.

Page 37, Par 2

The sentence beginning *Comsunications and electronics

Paces 13-15

Page 1, Par 2

ecvccses” is not understood.

The activities of Task Group 7.5 do not seex to be too

well covered.

Jim Eeeves might like a chance to

The problems of technical preparation for the shots

(4ncluding simultanecus preparations for two locations
in the latter part of the operation) and of Radiolocical-

Safety operetions from afloat should at least be mentlonsd in these parerraphs.

Pase 2, line 10

The sentence beginning on line 10 says "the actual

physical accomplishment ..ccsee WAS greatly enlarged".
is this the desired meaning?

Page 2, line 3

Change "personnel" to "personnel's*,

Pase &

At the end of the first paracrach after "Bikini® acl
anc to the agility of the paspengers*,

from bovton


Select target paragraph3