Page 15, line il

from botton

Page 15, line h

After “can" add “the handling ef".

Page 18, line 2
from dotton

Delete “alvays" and change "the highest" to "high",

Page 28, line 6

Change "were" to “wae" and after "ways" edd “in which".

frou botton

frou bottom

Page 29, sentence

beginning line 5

Chan ge this sentence to reads:

“The only solution to

this welleknom md recurrent problem involves the

initiation of elearance aetion as far in advance of
actual reporting as possible and the most expediticus
handling of clearance papers by all egencies concerned."


Pace 2, line 1:

Delete *two shots" and substitute “the design, febrica~
tion and assembly of two devices".

Pace 2, line 15

Delete “the two" and substitute "these shots",

Page 2, line &

Substitute "In Ivy” for "Previously".

Pace 4, line 12

After “shot” add “eapsbility®. Delete “and approved".

froa bottom

Page 4, line 15

Page S

Page 6, line 13
Page G, lines 1,

Insert before “deep” “surface shot cver" and in the

next line elininate the word “shot”,

Recormend that the “istimated Yield" eoluan be amplified
to show the presumed ranze of yields.
Delete “et LASL" and substitute "jointly by LASL wad


After "feet" add "for some samplers",
These criteria are Letter expressed on pare 10 of the
Final Report of the Commander, Air Task Group 7.1.


Select target paragraph3