Page 9, line b

Change 85,000" % ®4,,500",

Page 9, line 10

Change *thair* to "its".

Page n, last

Delete "as confirmed during the course ef the operation",

from betton

ad i lie



After "radiation" insert "falleout", Delete all after
*hich* and gubstitute "it was hoped would prove much

less wher the detonation eceurrsd on a floatin, barre

Fatoer than op land",
Page 7, Iter 2

Ghange "xill* te "would",
As & result of
lester, Holmes & liarver devoted
7,120 man-hours ami $20,764 to cleanup and miscellaneous repair. On Eniwetok Ialand alonc, Holmes ‘: arver
rehabilitated the cargo pier, pump house, roads end sea

wall, and reelocated some wat<r lines at a cost of

$399,661 and 29,000 manshours.

work done en other islands,

This was in addition to

Details are probably availe-

able in reports held by the Task Force or coulc be

obtained from SFO:. Some mention of this work should
be made in this part of Chapter IT.

Page 9
Pages 11 and 12

At beginning of 2nd paragraph, change "simultaneous" to
These pages are poorly phrased and I recomend they

be reuritten.

Page 12, line 2

Change *gismltaneous" to *eimultaneousl;*.

Page 12, line 5

After "Force® adc "and Tagk Group",
After "available* adc *, wbfile preserwing enouck ficxibility and reserve capability to cope with inevitabdlc
additions, changes, and operational and locistic diffie

Pace 13, line 17

After "Force® add *and Task Groups",

Pare li, Line 6

chance "feasible® to "desirable",

Page 15, line 19 ©

Change *are" to "is",

Select target paragraph3