
of radioactivity in the body.
But just eating a few of them at this stage of
the game we have no information that says that would produce some problem.

And that's sort of important I think,

Congressman Dominik, that I don't

think anybody needs to be concerned about having them growing because we think

Perhaps somebody might accidently and not be informed: and consume a pandanus or
breadfruit or some other fruit as Dr. Gudiksen says.
That casual exposure is
If he eats for 20 years as part of his daily diet then you begin to
get worried about it.
You said in your position, you don't urge people to go or discourage
people to go there but, it seems to me, you are the expert on this subject.
Wouldn't it be better to discourage the people to go back there since vou know
that there is still danger there?
Well, we don't find that there is danger there provided they do not have
their entire diet coming from Bikini island ...
O.K., O.K. but people like, well you said that pandanus and the breadfruit that are growing there is your concern right now.
If they take let's say
they eat one day -~ it’s not dangerous but if they eat it in such a big amount
over several years it can be dangerous.
So it seems to me that this doesn't
make sense to send the people there when you know there will be danger in the future.
Well there will be if they raise pandanus and breadfruit and make them a
part of their diet and if these people stay there for 30 years.
0O.K. but the Marshalles> jike pandanus and breadfruit and they're going
to eat It anyway.

But they can grow it on Enyu Island.

0O.K. that'd be good if we make sure they grow it on Enyu only.
how (are) we going to make sure they don't eat from Bikini Island?


I think that the point we make is that we have no reason to say don't live
there unless living means they will consume food that's grown there.
But if they
say we're willing to acceptthat; we want to live on Bikini nowt there is food
available to us from other sources, as there is now, we have no reason to say
don't do it.
That means that as long as people are willing to go from Kili to Bikini
and we'll provide them food...
Grow it on Enyu --- grow food on Enyu.
all of these Kinds can be grown on Enyu...

Coconuts, pandanus, breadfruit

But they're growing now and it might not be enough and also there's the
fact that there are people on Bikini who don't have any land on Enyu.

That's something we can't judge



I mean is there going to be any food subsidy provided to those people?

We must defer to the Distad.


The plan, Charles, is to také care of them until the island become self-

Copra production - if they start making copra and they can produce
what they produced on Bikini earlier --- then they'll be self-sustaining.

Select target paragraph3