The additional information we have already from the survey is that Enyu island is

perfectly safe from all standpoints.
Crops grown on Enyu are safe to eat.
built anywhere on Enyu are safe to live in. And there would be no constraints,
we know of no constraints or conditions that need to be placed on people that

would live on Enyu island permanently.

For that reason we have suggested that

consideration be given to changing the impetus, the growth of Bikini Atoll, the
development of Bikini Atoll, shifting the emphasis of growth to Enyu at this


Not withdrawing from Bikini, unless it becomes just inconvenient for

people to live on Bikini.
We don't say that for safety reasons people not live
on Bikini.
We say that we think a better community, a more complete community

and one that will be much more compatible with the lifestyle of the people can
be done on Enyu. Two more points I'd like to make: All of the fish, all the
food from the lagoon, are safe to eat.

No radiation levels of any consequences

are in the fish products at Bikini Atoll.

The point I'd like to be sure to make is

that it is our intention, regardless of what decisions are made about the repopula‘tion of Bikini island, it is our intention to continue research,

to study, monitoring

and surveillance of that island and of Enyu for that matter and of the people to
be assured that these recommendations we make continue to be valid.
We do intend
.a long term program to try to learn how to raise crops on Bikini island without
them having high levels of radiation.
And we think there are very good possibilities
that that will materialize.
We are committed, we ERDA are committed, to a long
term program of study, research, and surveillance and as you know Dr. Conard
and his medical team have been conducting surveillance and monitoring of people
at Rongelap and recently at Bikini.
They will continue that.
Should there be
any evidence of radiation appearing in the diet, they'll know it before it can
be of any cc nsequence or damage to the people.
Dr. Conard has reported his surveys
of people who have been living there now for a couple of years that he has found
no Significant radiation levels in those people.
That they have not been in
any sort of hazardous condition.
Have I missed anything? **(did not mention in
this meeting about the restriction on Enyu well water.
This was later corrected
- by TWX to Distad DeBrum.
See Attachment C).
Distad that's a summary and we would welcome any questions from anyone.
In your summary you concentrate on only two islands, Bikini and Enyu Islands.
What happened to the rest of of the islands? Should the people decide to go there
and pick pandanus and breadfruit would they be safe?


In the recommendations that were made before the cleanup and resettlement

of Bikini,

it's indicated, I believe, that most of those islands are free for

Visiting, collecting birds eggs, fishing and so forth.
There's been
one misunderstanding about that which came to me in questions addressed to the
It said that people should not stay more than 24 hours on one of those
That I think is a misunderstanding of what was intended.
What was
intended is that people not take up permanent residence on those islands.
But in
saying that we feel that it's perfectly safe for people to be on Enyu and for
people to be on Bikini.
Included in the calculations that result in that statement is the understanding that people will visit those other islands.
Dr. Gudiksen
has incorporated in his analysis of what we think is a reasonable amount of time
that people might expect in terms of hours a day, hours a week visiting, picnicing,
collecting and so forth.
The other islands are not suitable for residency at this
time but they're certainly suitable for visiting.
Have I answered that?

Select target paragraph3