take about six months to learn after we've taken the samples and the samples
have been taken back to Lawrence Livermore Laboratories and other laboratories
where they will be analyzed and by the end of this year the information from that
part of the program will be available.
On August 12, just two weeks ago or a little more, we met at Livermore, California
to present for the first time the results of the first phase of the survey, the
measurements that had been made on the ground.
There were several representatives

from Majuro there:

Mr. DeBrum, Dennis McBreen, Harley Earwicker as well as

Mr. Allen from MLSC.
At that time we presented the results, that we will go over
briefly with you this afternoon, and the Distad at that time asked us to come
here and accompany him to Kili and Bikini to discuss these findings first hand

with the people of both Kili and Bikini:

And that's our purpose in being here.

Now in the meantime we understand that a lot of conversation, a lot of rumors

have been discussed here at Majuro and I suppose elsewhere in the Marshalls.
Those that we've heard about are pretty serious distortions of the facts of the
understanding that we have and I'm sure we welcome the opportunity we have to
tell you first hand what we've found and give you the opportunity to ask questions.
We'd like to know what your questions are and to try to respond to them. First
and most important of what I'd like to leave with you is the houses now built on
Bikini Island are safe for people to live in.
They have been safe for people
to live in since they were built and they continue to be safe to live in.
radiation levels in that part of the island along the lagoon where those houses
are built are well within the standards acceptable for human habitation.
But with the understanding that people who live in those houses should not have
their diet,

their food, come entirely from Bikini island.

Some of the food,

especially breadfruit and pandanus grown in the soil of Bikini island, would
have radiation levels high enough that if they were a major part of the diet
over a lifetime there would be unacceptably high levels of radiation for those
Let me say again it's not the houses, it's the food grown there.
And since the people at Bikini now are not subsisting, not eating a diet from
Bikini island, there's no reason for them to be apprehensive or concerned about

their health.

There's no reason for them to be feeling there's been a mistake

made by letting them be there.

There's no reason that every one of those houses

should not now be occupied.
If people chose to live in them understanding that
their food must come from elsewhere as it is now.
One other condition that we
do not know enough about is

the groundwater,

the well water,

to be able to say

that is safe for long term consumption.
There certainly are not high enough
levels in that water that a small amount of it or drinking it over a period of a
few weeks is a serious thing.
But we have not yet studied the groundwater enough.
We've not done enough analysis of it to give that a clean bill and say it's

alright for consumption. -So we would recommend that if the houses on Bikini island

be occupied, there be sufficient catchments so that people can rely upon catchment
water for drinking and cooking purposes and not rely upon groundwater.
are the only two conditions that we would suggest be placed upon taking up
residence on Bikini.
Let me say that we are not urging people to go to Bikini,
nor are we urging them not to.
That is not our decision.
Our business is to
advise the Distad and advise the council and the people to the best of our ability
as to what the conditions are.
It's your choice and their's as to whether it's
a reasonable thing to do to live on an island where you can't raise all your
But that has not anything to do with the safety of being in those houses.
They are safe for habitation.

The rest of the island is safe for the people

to walk around and visit on.
It's simply that we do not believe that additional
houses should be built inland on Bikini at this time.

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