Majuro, Marshall Islands


Almost continuously since 1946 fish have been sampled by Universities of

Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Washington and other contractors.

The fish are safe to eat.

(Here there followed another discussion about Dr. Conard and the medical field
Conversation was sporadic between Allen and Ray and DeBrum.)
Mr. Ray and I cannot remember what Dr. Conard's answer was at Livermore
pertaining to the number of people examined (at Bikini during his survey).

Does anybody there know why Dr.

Conard said it was safe when now we hear

it is not?

(Dr. Conard is said to have stated in 1968 that Bikini was safe to live on.
did not know about food chain relationships to radionuclides then or were not
aware of it on Bikini.)
No subsistence crops were growing on Bikini then.
report of 1968.

Reference: The Gustafsen

(Discussion building recommendations in 1970 and coconut planting techniques, i.e.,

removing some soil and replacing with clean soil the planting seedlings.)

(To a group men who worked at Bikini.)

Were the recommendations


Planting cocunuts) followed? - No.

Would houses if made with aggregate from Bikini have poison in them?

The houses should be made with other aggregate as per statement from
But it doesn't matter.
The readings made inside the houses were very
Houses cut radiation exposure by factor of 2.
At this point we broke up for a ten-minute recess.
We did not reassemble.
dri-Kili went back to their houses and we returned to the Militobi to prepare
for the next days meetings.


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