Majuro, Marshall Islands

We believe those individual scientists will agree with ERDA/AEC but we must
realize the possibility is there that they will not agree.
While we are at
Saipan it is important that you talk among yourselves.
As your lawyers it is up to us to work with you and carry out your wishes.
I talked with Ataji Balos Monday about these papers.

We will want his opinion

Nathan: As the Elders said earlier the news you bring is indeed sad news.
aren't blaming the Distad.
We aren't blaming the HiCom. .We aren't blaming
the Dept. of Interior because they are not scientists.
We are sad today because
of (these)


I will not elaborate about changes on Bikini but will

ask about Enyu.
Reports from your study have indicated that Enyu is safe for
habitation and food.
No danger.
It would indeed be tragic and return to Enyu
like others who returned to Bikini after it was announced safe.
Our Elders will not wait to return to Bikini.

We long for our homeland.

I would then request you (Paul Gudiksen) point out on that island where
the levels of radiation are and explain how they will be affected.
I request that you be most thorough and explain how living on Enyu will be safe.

I wish to register our concern to our friends on Bikini.

They are

already exposed.

Dr. Conard has examined people and they haven't received any significant
The ERDA report of June was of soil, water will be available soon.
is an ERDA doctor.
We can't say there is no radiation on Bikini.

Dr. Conard

Do the people on Bikini have radiation in their bodies?

Ray: (Emphasized that there were no significant levels found

I understand that ERDA does not examine people?

Answer: Explained how ERDA does examine individuals in Rongelap and Utirik
because their radiation exposure was different than the exposure on Bikini.
ERDA doctors are not frust Territory doctors who check people for disease, cuts,

We look for radiation exposures in people and look at the bioenvironmental
and biomedical aspects.

My last request is to reiterate to the people how safe Enyu is.
What studies have been done on fish in the Bikini lagoon?


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