All the survey results plus reports by J. A. Tobin, District
Anthropologist, Marshall Islands District, "The Bikini People, Past and

Present" (Enclosure 2), and by James T. Hiyane, District Agriculturist,
Marshall Islands District, "1967 Bikini Radiological Resurvey - Marshalls
Agriculture Report" (Enclosure 3), were compiled for use in evaluating the
conditions that could be expected for return of people who would take up
permanent residence in the atoll using the resources of the atoll.
of these reports are provided.


The findings of the 1967 surveys and compari-

son data from the previous 1964 survey are used in presenting the radionuclide
content of foods contained in Dr. Gustafson's report (Enclosure 4) which is

discussed below.
In 1967, the body within the Federal Government charged with providing
advice to the President and guidance to Federal agencies regarding standards
for the general public, was the Federal Radiation Council (FRC), which was
formed in 1959.

The Council consisted of the Secretary of Health, Education

and Welfare (Chairman), Secretaries of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Labor,
the Chairman of the AEC, and the Special Assistant to the President for
Science and Technology.

Staff work and studies were conducted by a working

group consisting of senior staff members assigned from the various member

Early in the Bikind studies and deliberations,

group was briefed by AEC staff on findings and progress.

the FRC working

Such briefings were

given periodically until the FRC was dissolved and its functions

to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
informed in a similar manner since.

Mmm 5009580


Staff of EPA have been kept

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