other years through simple random variation.

The same random variation applies

to the number of genetic defects that might appear in any arbitrary group of
12 births.
In accordance with Roger Ray's suggestion to compare the anticipated
effects of radiation levels at Bikini with those of high background areas in
the United States, we might mention that Denver, Colorado has a population of
about one-half million residents who are exposed to a natural background
level averaging 160 mrems.

No unusual genetic or cancer incidence has been

observed in the Denver population or in the populations of other states having
high average altitudes.

Such comparisons are not conclusive, however, because

socioeconomic and genetic differences may affect cancer rates and,


the incidence of genetic defects.
With this information, we hope that the people of Bikini will be in a
better position to compare the health cost that may result from a return to
the Atoll with the benefits

to be derived from their return.

Select target paragraph3