
No report ever prepared re calibration


6The Committee requested a report from Hollister and Hollister
requested a report from NVOO on calibration procedures.



Will send Comm. a set of data re calibration.
(An EG&G report does not exist.)

Recent info - Gilbert:

IMP correction for brush attenuation
Soil profile data (0-3, 10-13, 20-23)
Quality control info
Enewetak.Lab (Eberline)

Statistical procedures - data processing - objectives

(DOE/ERSP procedure # 3)

Madaline Barns' M.S. thesis - a record of design
Statistical design aspects of Enewetak cleanup
Kriging results - all islands
List of procedures
Soil samples may not be too accurate
Discussion of statistical design of survey

Real time analyses of uncertainties, IMP vs. wet chemistry,
grid size, etc.



BER coordination studies

Conard vs. other studies
No problem in coordinating ship time, etc.

Inventory of all Enewetak projects (Marshall Islands)

* Bair requested a list of projects conducted by OES, NVOO, and
BER -— with abstract attachment and $ (189). Hollister will

Select target paragraph3