Meeting of Enewetak Advisory Group
June 7, 1978

Action Items


Bikini Urine Samples
a) Committee requests report and current status of analysis of Bikini
urine samples for transuranic elements for each of the sample periods:
April, 1977, Oct.-Nov., 1977, April, 1978. When will the analysis
be complete and the data available?
b) Information also is requested on identification of control groups.

c) Hollister will explore alternatives for expediting procedures.
Data Banks
a) The Committee is concerned that there is inadequate interaction
among the several groups of scientists working in the Marshall
b) The Committee will recommend whether or’ not data banks should

be established (e.9., LLL, BNL, NVOO, Headquarters - encourege-

ment and coordination).

a) Hollister solicited the Committee's opinions regarding the Enewetak
Survey and resettlement program, and the 13-atoll survey.

b) The Committee expressed concern that no one is integrating and
assessing the entire Pacific effort.






a) The Committee expressed concern over the methods of calibration

regarding the IMP detectors.

b) The Committee requested of Hollister a report on (a) above.
c) Church will send the Committee whatever data is available regarding

(a) above.

Select target paragraph3