William R. Cooper, NV


December 5, 1969

well, pumps, tower, Gnd storage tenks were built on
both fresh water (catchments) and brackish water (well)
camp area.

to the

The meses hali was rehabilitated by repairing etructurel

menbers, roef, and siding.

S$. The operations building on Enyu was rehabilitated with siding and
anew roof. It was utilized for the storage of subsistence Lteme
transferred to the Tf.
6. The colume and structural members in the Assembly Building on
Enyu were screped aad primed, and one columm was repaired by welding
in a new section. Roof openings were covered ead rollup doers were
secured in a closed position. This building was utilised for storing

materiale, supplies, and equipment transferred to the TT.

7. Equipment transferred to the Truat Territory by the DOD was inspected, repatred, and painted.


During the course of the program, Hél's work force varied from

15 mon in February to e maximum of 32 {2 September.

The total canup

population varied from the initial group of 26 in February to e high
of 84 on September 24. The last contingent of 15 men departed on
October 12 by airlift. One Trust Territory representative end four
Bikinians remained on the Island of Enyu in conmection with the
coconut SUurEesry program.

9. Equipment, perts, and supplies having an eetinated whlue of
$280,000 were transferred to the TT and stored on Enyu. Major items

Conatruction Equipment
Miec. Equipment
Camp Supplies, Medical & Subsistence
Construction Materials




Spare Perts for Equipment



10. In addition to the equipment, perts, and supplies mentioned tn the
preceding paragraph, a awaber of facilities on Bikini Atoll were
renovated such as: runway and parking aproa; barge slips; LST pier;
assembly building; operations building; miscellaneous bellding and
bunkers. Also, certain facilities may be said tc be completely new
coastruction, such as:

and Enyu.

the base camp and the water systems on Rikini

The total estimated in-place value of the iteme described

in thie paragraph is between $1.5 and $2 alllion.

SURNAME P |..----... ---- 2-2-8

DATE pm |... ee
Form AEC-818 (Rev. 9-53)

Select target paragraph3