Mr. Oscarde Brum *




February 7, 1978

The first move will be to obtain aerial photos of all of the places that
are to be surveyed, This will likely be done with a specially equipped
aircraft which we will bring to Kwajalein, to be based there for about
four weeks. The radiological survey could then start about six weeks
later, What we do not now know is how soon we will be able to start

the photographic work, but I shall be in Washington next week discussing
that with the Navy.

The presence of a special aircraft at Kwajalein and the photo missions
of a number of atolls and islands is not likely to go unnoticed by the
public and the press. Therefore, I feel that we should develop a press
release and a notification to the people of the affected islands explaining
fees me ee

frankly and completely what our plans are,

expect Carmen's help with that.

Iam sure that we may

You will hear from me again soon after my Washington trip.
regards and yokwe.





cc: High Commissioner A, Winkle
TTPI, Saipan, Mariana Islands
Charles Domnick, Tobolar

Processing Plant, Majuro
W. J. Stanley, Dir., PASOXSmee” 7

ay,A sistant



With best

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