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In addressing the first of these questions, data presented to the TTG



indicated thatypluton turn burdens of Bikini,residents were 10 times

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greater than plutonium - ovelgjeonsideradtyupiea of residents of the


continental United States.


Unfortunately, the validity of both these sets of urine

data is subject to question.


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ThesttentorkCitydata, based on poolcd samples,were not confirmed by a
veer carefully collected large sample from one individual.

This individual

single sample was 10- fold lower, than the pooled samples, and is in
peelscl ¢

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agreementwith model estimates based on fallout plutonium burdens
from autopsy data.




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The Bikini data are highly suspect because the samples were not collected
in a manner to avoid possible contamination of urine by plutonium-

contaminated soil on the body and clothing of the person providing the
sample, or from resuspended plutonium-contaminated soil in the air.
Also, urine samples were generally pooled which prevented identification
of possible sampling descrepancies.

The TTG concludes that the first question cannot be answered with available
data and recommends that an effort be made to obtain urine samples from
selected representative residents of Bikini under carefully controlled

Select target paragraph3