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lawaii for the removal of the tumor, but his cancer is terminal.

About 2 months ago,

@ called on me to radio for a ship to be diverted to Killi to take him to Majuro,
whe District Center.

‘The ship came, but the waves caused a 20 minute operation to

ast almost 2 hours.

Even with an outboard motor boat, Pighting these waves isa

azardous operation.

On the island now we have a do-year old girl who has syuiptons

f appendicitis.

A ship was diverted to Killi, but the girl could not be removed.

gain the waves were the problem.

That same night, Killi students returning to

ajuro had to swim past the surf and board the outboard which would take them to the

One Killi man swam all the way to the chip just to confer with the capbiain

nd explain the landing situation.

Hope and I ask, the Killi people ask, and now we hope you ask, "Why can't the
G11li people return to Bikini?"

We have a letter in our possession addressed to the

GLLi magistrate from High Couzissioner Norwood.

his letter gives the people hope

nd confidence because in it the High Conmissioner says, "it may be possible to
esettle Bikini in the not too distant future ... Mr. Rasmussen (of the Atomic
nergy”easiteaton) tola me tnat the Atomic Energy Coumission scientists have decided

hat Bikini is now ready for huran habitation."


It is NOW READY for huran

This letter was dated September 1966.

When is|the near future?


A recent Senatorial visit to the Marshall District brought the following
tatement frou Senator Moss of Utah when queried about the Killi people;

eturn to Bikini as soon as it is cleared of radioactivity."
yr. Rasmussen, it has been cleared.

"Whey can

According to

Obviously, these contradictory statements can

nly add tension end suspicion to the situation.

traightforward statemsnt should be made.

I believe that a clear,

Those who are responsible for the

scision should take a firm step toward getting these pecple back to their land.

ihchienclaMiiia REI RIBgRS fe


Can your Council look into the Killi situation?
ip service.

Please don't give these people

Lon't just tell them you know of their problem, but help them solve it.

acy want to go home.

We can see no reason why they should live under these

onditions.’ If Bikini is free of radiation and is fit for Human habitation, please

all on the United States to return these people to their homes.





GeddJenkins ©

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