© oof”
President Robert Gordon Sproul
University of California
Berkeley 4, California

page 2

In view of these chroumstances I am therefore presuming to
request on behalf of the Navy Department that you authorize Professors
Overstreet and Jacobson to participate in this summer's expedition to Bikini
as leaders of the radio-chemical group of the project. I realize that euch
participation may involve considerable personal inconvenience to these

scientists and also may delay other valuable work planned by the University,

but I respectfully urge that the importance of the work at Bikini, both to
basic science and to problems of national defense, justify a diversion of
the time and energies of Professors Overstreet and Jacobson during the
coming three months.

Sincerely yours,

/s/ Jems Forrestal

Dean Hutchinson
College of Agriculture
University of California

‘Berkeley, California
Mr. David Lilienthal

Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission
Washington, D. C.
Dean Stefford L. Warren

College of Medicine
University of California at Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California

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