proposals, role of the advisory committee, support
activities, interaction with the Marshallese and
other entities, nature of contact with the Research
Corporation of the University of Hawaii, use of the
research vessel, and related matters.

3 February-(0800 ~ 1200
1300 - 1700) - Further discussion of above matters; drafting
of a revised proposal for the operation of the
laboratory and an announcement of the new policies and
mode of operation. Drafting of preliminary plans and

specifications for renovation and/or construction of

the new laboratory facilities in sufficient detail to
allow rough cost estimates to be made.


Two alternatives are presented which are dependent upon the
acquisition of a KMR Charter Dc-4 from Kwajalein and the
desire of the AEC participants to visit Bikini.

4-5 February-

Continue conferences as necessary to complete plans

6 February- 1300

Depart Eniwetok Saturn MAC Charter Dc-8.

6 February- 1400

Arrive Kwajalein. Those in the party with time
constraints may remain on the MAC Charter flight te
arrive in Honolulu at approximately 2200.

6 February- 1610

Depart Kwajalein Air Micronesia,

7 February~ 1645

Arrive Majuro.

8 February-

Briefing and discussions with representatives of the
Eniwetok people, the Marshall Islands District
Government, the Congress of Micronesia, and the Trust
Territory of Pacific Islands on future plans for EMBL.

9 February- 1725

Depart Majuro Air Micronesia.

9 February- 0030

Arrive Honolulu.

for future operation of EMBL.

4 February- 0900 - Depart Eniwetok in KMR Charter Dc-4 for Kwajalein with





an optional stop at Bikini.

Select target paragraph3